Here's to your wealth!

FreedoMarketing is my attempt to start to understand the global community of network marketing. I have been putting off becoming completely involved in Facebook, Twitter, Google spaces/circles, etc, because it just seemed like a distraction from my work, but then I found out, that THIS is ultimately how people are making money today, and for those of you who know me well, you know that work is what drives me!

It is definitely a full time job to stay on top of all the social media out there, however, if my full time job is networking through that social media and earning multiple streams of income by driving traffic, well, NOW I'm interested!

When I was attempting to run an open door business, I was told that I had to be connected to this whole virtual world to advertise, as we all know, being completely connected to the virtual world 24/7 is a full time job, so now that I have carved out some time in my life, I am learning how to work the "system" of online marketing and network marketing! When we have the entire world at our fingertips, the possibilities are endless!
Zeek Rewards and Affiliate marketing has inspired me to start thinking differently about the way that I work, and how to accomplish my long term goals. Those people who know me well, know that I love to work, think outside the box, find creativity and art in what I do, and that musical theatre is the driving force to almost all my major decisions.

The first thing that inspired the idea to start networking and making money online was: Zeek Rewards, as it has now nearly replaced my teachers salary. This company is completely legit, and amazing! Check out my "Here's to your Wealth" page for more information on becoming an affiliate for Zeek Rewards.

Turns out there is a whole online market for people looking to make some money online by advertising peoples products! You will see banner ads on my blog site to help promote other companies that I support making it easy for you to shop online, since that is obviously the financial wave of the future! We buy: books, cd's, computers, clothing, supplements, groceries, even an education online! We live in a virtual world! Join us!

So here is my new theory that I am going to continue to put to the test:
Zeek Rewards, Google, Facebook, MOST things on the Internet are NOT going under. The only part of our society that is struggling economically are open door businesses, because everyone is doing EVERYTHING online, which is why it has been so easy to make money online with Zeek Rewards! While back to the topic of Zeek Rewards, if you are not interested in network marketing and becoming an affiliate with the company, just go SHOPPING!! Check out my "to shop or not to shop" page for more information on getting started with 25 free sample bids!

Thank you for stopping by and challenging yourself to start thinking outside the box and find residual, multiple streams of income! I am here to pursue my dreams of being my own boss and having the time and money to produce the shows I've always been dreaming of producing! Join me!

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