Here's to your dreams!

Remember when we had dreams? Remember when we dreamed without consequence?
Remember when reality was never a part of our dream sequence, and we just threw caution to the wind and dreamt up the wildest thing that would ultimately undoubtedly lead to our happiness?

So what is it that makes Dave Ramsey, Oprah, Donald Trump, the founder of Google and Facebook different than us? Why do they get to live the dream and we don’t? Well, they didn’t give up on their dream and settle for the next best man, job or other temporary pleasure that came along. They worked, every day until they saw their dreams become reality. They did not take “no” for an answer. They set the bar for us! They started out as kids with dreams, just like us. The only difference is, they never quit.
Your dream chasing may be easier for you than for some, it may be years and years of struggle until you figure it out. Either way, if it is the dream, then you cannot take “no” for an answer! Get focused, hone in on the goal, write your goals in daily measurable steps, and if all you can give to the pursuit of happiness is 5 minutes a day because your “real job” or your family or friends come first, then that is all you can do for now. 5 minutes a day that may lead to ultimate happiness 5 years from now if you just keep plugging away at finding the solution to making your dreams a reality.

If you think you don’t have a dream, think again! I KNOW you did at one point in your life. So find the place in your heart that used to be able to cultivate dreams and wake it up! Who are you? What are you doing right now? What do you wish you were doing? What do you want, now and 5 years from now? How can you make getting to where you want to be tangible today? If you don’t get anywhere today, are you going to give up tomorrow or try again?

The day to day gets us lost in so many things that just dont matter. Focus on the important stuff everyday: Your family, your friends, your faith, your life, your goals, and all the details will follow! Trust that.

What are your dreams? GO GET THEM!!

Here’s to your dreams!

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